My Hobbies
Ohio group

I had the opportunity to travel with the club to the Arnold Strongman Competition in Ohio for an amateur boxing competition. I was asked by our coach to help him in the corner during each of the 9 fights.


Boxing is currently the primary way I enjoy spending my time outside of school and work. It is an excellent way for me to relieve my stress and a fun way for me to stay in shape. I became quite dedicated to boxing my Junior year and became a Captain and an officer in the UW Madison Boxing club the following year.
The duties that came along with that title were participating in 2 practices a week outside of my training, coaching a beginning boxer’s class once a week, attend officer meetings,  and being a good role model in and out of practice.
During summer, I spar and practice at Ford’s Gym a couple of nights a week after work. I have met many incredible friends during my time boxing as well as some life lessons. As Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
Me and Micah

Other Fun Activities

When I’m not at work, school, or boxing I enjoy spending time with my roommates and family. Weather permitting, I will try to find an excuse to go fishing, hiking, kayaking, or snowmobiling.